#rocket punch edit
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wontune · 2 months ago
✿ yeonhee ﹙ rocket punch ﹚ lockscreens !
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sailorjisunq · 2 years ago
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blackhakumen · 1 year ago
Mini Fanfic #1187: Igniting Rocket Punches Features (Sonic X Crash X Persona 5)
12:54 p.m. at Tails' Workshop..........
Tails: Okay! (Walks Over to Omega, Sitting Next to Coco on the Lab Table, Bringing his Clipboard with Him) After carefully looking over every bits and features of your body parts, I'm happy to say that you're more than qualified for those Rocket Fists you requested.
Coco: (Smiles Brightly) Modified and will be put together by yours truly of course!~ (Pars on Omega's Shoulder) Bet that made you pretty excited right now, huh Big Guy?
Omega: My excitement has never been become immeasurable for a long period of time. (Turns to the Duo) Permission to use it for a test run after the modification are in full completion?
Tails: (Smiles Brightly) Permission granted!~ We just gotta find ourselves an open area for a training ground.
Omega: I have already found the area!
Tails: Oh, already? What it looks like-
Omega shows Tails and Coco a picture of Dr. Eggman's lair on his holographic transmitter.
Coco: That.....Looks awfully like Eggman's place, big guy.
Omega: Correct.
Tails: (Puts on a Deadpinned Look on his Face) You wanna use those Rocket Fists on him, don't you?
Omega: .......Correct.
Tails: ('Sigh') I thought so.
Coco: (Raises an Eyebrow in a Bit of Confusion) Yeah.... What makes you wanna do that exactly? I know he's evil and all, but didn't he also created you at one point.
Omega: Yes, he has created me in the past. (Scowls and Crosses his in Anger) And never bothered to put into great usesince then.
Tails: Eggman locked him inside a storage room for months on end. Had a vendetta against Jim ever since.
Coco: (Starts Huffing and Puffing into a Pout) ('Hmph') Well, I don't blame ya then. (Jump her Off of the Table She was Sitting at) What kind of bozo would keep one of his greatest looking inventions under wraps?
Omega: An Egghead Bozo who will be in a perfectly structured punching range the moment we see each other face to face.
Tails: You need any backup? Just in case things go south.
Coco: (Leans Herself Over to Omega with Bright Smile) We're pretty good with playing support aid and improvising~ (Rapidly Blinks her Eyes at the Robot)
Omega: (Crosses his Arms While Thinking) The possibility of me having difficulties dealing with Eggman would be 90% unlucky...(Simply Shrugs a Bit) But I suppose having a younger, more intelligent couple like you two as backup would not be the worst idea imaginable.
Coco: Yeah, relax! We got this under cont- (Eyes Suddenly Begins to Widened Along with Tails) Wait, W-WHAT DID YOU CALLED US JUST NOW!?
Omega: (Tilt his Head a Bit in Confusion) ........Younger, intelligent?
Tails: AFTER all of that.
Omega: ..........Couple?
Tails: That's the one.
Coco: Omega, who told you that we were a couple?
Flashback to New Donk City
Sonic: (Sitting on an Outdoor Café Table with Omega, Lounging Around on his Chair) Yeahhhhhh, Tails couldn't join us this time of year. (Forms a Playful Smirk on his face) He's spending some quality time with his little girlfriend back at her island for the holidays~
Omega: (Looks Up at Sonic While Holding Up a Newspaper in Front of Him) Tails has a romantic partner this entire time?
Sonic: Not officially. Buuuuuuuuut considering how extremely close the two are, I am definitely positive that it's the case by now.
Omega: Hm. (Went Back to Reading his News Article) Good for them.
Back to the Present
Tails: I'mma kill him. (About to Storm Out Before Coco Was Able to Stop Him in Millisecond)
Coco: (Gently Grabs Hold of Tails' Shoulder and Massages It to Help Calm Him Down) Easy there, bud. There's no need to get upset. We'll get back at him eventually. (Looks Back at Omega) Omega, Tails and I aren't a couple.
Omega: (Raises an Eyebrow) Is that so? Then why are you two, as Sonic previously stated, "extremely close"?
Tails: ('Sigh') It's because we've been best friends since the very first day we meet each other. And sure, we may HAVE talked about a possible scenario of us being a thing or whatever, but we ultimately decided against the idea and remind as we are for now, besties.
Coco: (Happily Hugs Tails) And I'm happy for that, cause Tails is the very first friend I've ever made out of the island and I'll always love him with all my heart~
Tails: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness as He Hugs Coco Back) I'll always love you too, Coco!~ (Notices Omega's Hand is About to Rise Up Before Stopping Him) Upupup! Before you say ANYTHING, friends are allowed to say "I love you" to one another in a platonic sense.
Omega: Platonic sense?
Coco: Yep! Meaning nothing romantic at all, big guy!
Omega: (Starts Tapping on his Non Existent Chin) I see. Hold that thought. (Actives his Transmitting Signal on the Side of his Headvto Make a Quick Call)
Meanwhile at Shujin Academy's Classroom......
Futuba: lReading Through a Book While Sittong at her Desk) Come onnnnnn......The answer have to be here somewhere! I can't turn in an incomplete homework sheet without-(Immediately Geys Startled a Bit by the Ringtone of her Phone on her Desk)
We All Danced in Fire~ Trapped in This Machineeeee~
Futuba: (Looks Down to See the Name of the Caller) Omega-kun?
Female Student: (Forms a Teasing Smirk at Futuba) What's the matter, four-eyes?~ Afraid of a little Rock music?~ (Starts Laughing Along with her Peers)
Futuba: (Scoffs While Rolling her Eyes) I'm not afraid of anything, PAULA. My phone just took me by surprise is all.
Paula: Well, you better get of it soon before the teacher gets here. Or did you forget how the school rules work already, shut in?~ (Continues Laughing)
Futuba: ('Sigh') Whatever. (Answers the Call) Heyyyy, Big Guy~ Listen, could you try and call me after school? Lunch is about to be over in a few minutes and-
Omega: (On the Other Line) I am fortunate to have you as my best friend and will forever love you dearly for it. That is all.
'Call Ends'
Futuba Sakura is already in tears as she place her hand onto her chest, creating a short screeching like sound.
Paula: (Groans While Rolling her Eyes) ('Ugh') Weirdo.
Back at the Workshop
'Door Opens'
Wave: I'm heeere.
Tails: (Turns to His Swallow Friend, Walking in) Hey, Wave!
Coco: We almost considered on looking for you, girl. Where've you been?
Wave: I was just finishing up doing what I usually do on a basis: research, organizing work plans, keeping the boys in line, watching someone- (Eyes Suddenly Begins to Widened at What She Was Aboutbto Say) I-I mean! Uh....Watching.....something intriguing from afar. Yeah. ('Clears Throat') That's what I meant to say.
Coco: Really? (Raises an Eyebrow at Wave in Suspicious Along with Tails) Cause I could've SWORN that you said someone. (Turns to Her Best Friend) Don't you think so too, Tails?
Tails: Why, yes I certainly do, Coco. (Turns Back to Wave) Could it be that you have been trying to ask someone out......
Coco: (Leans Over to Wave Along with Tails While Mischievously Smirking at Her) On a date?~
Wave: (Turns Away While Blushing) N-N-No! And even if I did, which I DON'T by the way, why would you squirts care?
Tails: (Casually Shrugs) Cuz we're curious.
Coco: (Crosses her Arms) And we wanna get you back for all the teasings you've made on us thus far. I.E.
Tails/Coco: Karma. (Gives Each Other Hi-Fives)
Wave: (Groans While Rolling her Eyes) Whatever! I don't have any energy or patience to deal with you nosy brats today.....(Notices the Red Robot in her View Before Walking Towards Him) Hello~ What do we have here? (Turns Back to the Duo) You two made this?
Tails: No, not exactly. This one of Eggman's robots, E-123 Omega-
Tails: (Puts on his Deadpinned Look Again) Yeah. What he said.
Coco: We were about give him these sweet Rocket Fists upgrades.
Omega: A perfect arsenal for me to use hit on the doctor with great precision.
Wave: Waitwaitwait. Time out. You're telling you're gonna use those things to punch Eggman of all people?
Omega: (Turns to Wave) That is exactly what I just said, yes.
Wave: ..........Well, screw it. Sign me up.
One Upgrade Surgery Later, Outside of Dr. Eggman's Lair.......
'Knock Knock Knock'
.'Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock'
Eggman: (From the Inside) I'm coming, I'm coming! Sheesh....Can't anyone use the God fo saken doorbell like a normal, less irritating person in society?
'Door Opens'
Eggman: Yes, yes. What is it you want? Omega?
Omega: (Standing in Front of Eggman's Doorway with the Tech Trio Hiding Behind Him) Knock Knock.
Eggman: Uhh.....Who's....there?
Omega: (Points at the Evil Doctor) You.
Eggman: (Even More Confused) Uhh....Me who exact-
Without a second thought, Omega uses his newly enhanced Rocket Fist to punch Eggman's face in, sending rocketing back inside his lair. It's super effective.
Eggman: ('Arrgggh') My nose....my face....my beautiful mustacheeee!!
Wave: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise by the Results) Well, I'll be damned....(Turns to the Kids Next to Her) You two really outdone yourselves here.
Coco: (Smiles Brightly Along with Tails) I know, right? We made an successful upgrade enhancement today. I couldn't believe it either!~
Tails: Yeah, and it's our first one too.
Omega: Mission Accomplished on both objectives. Prepare to depart from land-
The gang turbs around to see Eggman's daughter, Sage Robotnik, floating behind, giving each of them the most disappointed Glare she has ever given yet.
Sage: What has happened here?
Tails: S-Sage, hey! We were just....you know?
Coco: Exploring!
Wace: Walking around.
Omega: Punching the Doctor in the face.
Tech Trio: Omega!
Omega: What? Honesty is the best policy. Is what Futuba-Chan usually tells me.
Tails: Kinda find it hard to believe that she would tell you that.
Omega: (Glares at Tails) My best friend's words of wisdom are above lawwwwww!
Wave: Really don't think that how thar concept works.......(Suddenly Felt Her Body Levitating In the Air Along With Everyone Else) What the- Hey!
Sage: Inside. Now! (Uses her Telekinesis to Carry Everyone Inside the Lair as She Begins to Scold Them on Their Troublesome Mission)
Bonus (One Scolding Session Later)
LeBlanc Café
'Door Open, Bell Ring'
Omega: (Walks Himself Inside the Café Carrying a Shopping Bag in his Hand) I have finally arrived with bottles of coffee creamers!
Sojiro: ('Sighs in Relief') You are a lifesaver, Omega, thank you. I can't begin to tell you how many customers has been chewing my ears off over their coffees not having cream in them. Almost considered retiring for a moment there too.
Omega: (Habds Sojiro the Bag od Coffee Creamer) You will have a proper retirement in due time.
Sojiro: ('Sigh') Yeah, I will. Can't imagine giving my café up to anyone just yet.
Sojiro:: (Chuckles Lightly Once He see Futuba running over to Omega and Hugging him Very Lovingly) Especially to a hyperactive fireball like her.
Omega: (Gently Pats the Top of Futuba's Head) Greetings, Futuba Sakura. How was your time at the Shujin Academy today?
Futuba: (Rolls her Eyes a Bit) Ehh it was so and so. (Snuggling onto her Embrace with Omega) I thought a lot about you today and I love you too, manl. So much~
Omega: Is that right?
Futuba: Heck yeah!~ You're like one of my best pals EVER! How can I not!~ I really wish I could take you academy with you weren't so big and huggable!~ (Stands on her Tippy Toes and Gives Omega Five Kisses on the Side of his Metal Head)
Omega: That is truly unfortunate indeed. (Smiles Brightly) On a lighter, more cheerier note, I have now obtain the Rocket Controlled Fists Upgrade and have successfully punched Eggman in the face.
Futuba: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Ah dude, seriously!? I knew I should've skipped school today!
Sojiro: (Raises an Eyebrow at his Daughter) What was that?
Futuba: I-I mean! Uh....Skipping my way towards school. Like a...good, educated girl I am (Giggles Awkwardly)
Sojiro: Yeah, that better be what you mean, young lady.
Omega: Do not fret, my gremlin friend. I was successfully able to record the event from a first person perspective. (Taps the Side of his Head, Revealing Holographic Video of Eggman Getting Rocket Punched to the Fist in his Point of View)
Futuba: (Eyes Starts to Sparkle in Happiness at the Video) ('Sniff') My bestie~
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yayakaiut · 2 years ago
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Suyun - Rocket Punch!!
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someawesomeamvs · 2 years ago
Warning: Flashing lights
Editors: Medoka Lightning, Misa Amane, Nozomi Yumehara, Reika Akoku, ruuisa, ChibiBerry, Sosourice
Studio: EpicCureStudio
Artist: Rocket Punch
Anime: Suite Precure, Star Twinkle Precure, Heartcatch Precure, Smile Precure, Kira Kira Precure a la Mode, Go! Princess Precure, Healin' Good Precure
Category: For fun
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melos-magic-ponies · 29 days ago
Do you have any more human name/ethnicity headcanons for your next gens like you did with Almond?
My dumbass forgot to save the draft so I gotta retype this all again 💀
I’ll do the Mane 6 + Royalty, if I come up with more for the rest of the cast, I’ll come back and reblog this.
Tundra Twinkle: Turid (Indian/Norwegian)
Nacre Clouds: Nadra (Afro-Caribbean/French/Palestinian)
Silk Touch: Sylvette (Afro-Caribbean/French/Palestinian)
Almond Blossoms: Aliya (Pakistani/Scottish)
Goody Two-Shoes: Gordon (Pakistani/Scottish)
Hummingbird: Humaira (Pakistani/Italian)
Leap Frog: Leo (Pakistani/White)
Peach Punch: Pippa (Pakistani/White)
Permafrost: Pollyanna (Filipino/Black/White)
Rocket Ruckus: Rex…it’s short for Resurrección, he ended up with a very Filipino name lol /pos (Filipino/Black/White)
Amertine Dart: Daria (Filipino/Black/White)
Festive Fairy Floss: Fay (Black/White/Indian/Italian)
Italian Cream Soda: Samson (Black/White/Indian)
Pistachio Cornetto: Pietra (Black/White/Italian)
Spiced Apple Cider: Cesario (Mexican/Irish/French)
Fine n’ Dandy: Daniel (Mexican/Irish/French)
Star Bright Apple: Stella (Mexican/Irish/French)
Bon Vivant: Viviana (Mexican/Irish/French)
Liberty Apple: Bertrand (Mexican/Irish/French)
Garden Party: Gloria (Mexican/Irish/French)
Uranian Spell: Uriah (Palestinian/White)
Neptunian Prophet: Nahum (Palestinian/White)
Bonus: Old doodle of human!Silk Touch from February of last year, kinda hate how the hair turned out. But I still like the outfit which was inspired by this photo of musician Alexandra Savior
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hwanggicore · 9 months ago
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☁︎ like/reblog if save
˚ · .˚ ༘🦋⋆。˚ juri lock
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skelekins · 2 years ago
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rebelwrites · 1 year ago
being friends with pierre/any driver and meeting charles through them (whether it be at a race or at a dinner or whatever) and you immediately hit it off and exchange numbers AAAAA
Christmas Party
Charles Leclerc x Reader
I have changed the request slightly hope you don’t mind. As this is a flash fic this hasn’t been edited.
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As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
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Taking one final drag of your smoke, you felt your face scrunch up in disgust. You had no idea why you had brought a fresh packet when you had quit the habit around 6 months ago. Shaking your head at yourself you tossed the cigarette butt into the small ashtray on the glass table behind you, looking over your shoulder you found yourself taking a deep breath, gaining the courage to head back inside Pierre’s apartment.
Tonight was the night of his famous Christmas party, every year you had heard all the stories that came from this one event but this was the first time in five years you were able to attend, due to your dick of an ex boyfriend trying to control your life, stopping you from spending Christmas with your best friend in Monaco. From the moment you arrived at Pierre’s you locked eyes with Charles, you were slightly confused as to how one look could get you feeling hot under the collar so to speak. You knew Charles had a bit of a reputation with the women, so any time you came to visit Pierre you made sure to avoid Leclerc.
Taking a deep breath you slipped back into the living room of the large apartment, once again locking eyes with the Monegasque, you found yourself quickly breaking eye contact, pushing your way through the bodies you made your way over to the makeshift bar for the evening.
“There you are,” Pierre hummed, wrapping his arms around your waist, pressing a kiss to the back of your head. “Where have you been hiding all night, kiddo?”
“Ain’t been hiding, P,” you shrugged, knocking back the shot of vodka, scrunching your face up at the familiar burning sensation that quickly followed. “This dress and body is too good to be hidden away!” you smirked, gesturing down to the red low cut sparkly dress that fit your body like a second skin, causing your confidence to sky rocket.
“Have you spoken to Charles yet?” he asked, keeping his hand planted on your waist.
Pierre had been your best friend for the best part of 15 years, the two of you had a close relationship to the point people were always questioning if you two were dating or not. You and Kika always got a laugh out of the news articles trying to make out Pierre was cheating on her with you.
“Nope,” you mumbled, pulling the bottle of beer to your lips. You hadn’t told Pierre that you had a small crush on Charles, mainly for the fact you knew he would try and play cupid and get the two of you together.
“Come with me, you dork,” he smirked, grabbing your hand dragging you through the apartment over to Kika and Charles.
Charles couldn’t help himself as he watched you from across the room, from the moment you arrived at the party he couldn’t stop staring. The first time you locked eyes with each other he felt like someone had just punched him in the gut, he was struggling to catch his breath. The dress you had chosen hugged your body perfectly, showing just the perfect amount of cleavage. The fact the sparkly dress was red was an added bonus for him. It was safe to say red was your color and he wanted nothing more than to see you rocking his shirt early in the morning.
Pushing the thoughts from his mind, he brought the glass to his lips, still refusing to take his eyes off you. For some reason he lost any courage he had when it came to you so he could count on one hand the amount of conversations the pair of you had.
“You know you can’t avoid him forever,” Pierre whispered in your ear as you got closer to the man in question. “I can tell you are crushing hard on him.” You were just about to protest when he shook his head at you. “Girl I saw it the moment you two first met, there is a connection there and you refuse to acknowledge it.”
“P, you know what I don’t act on any feelings,” you sighed, taking another large swig of beer trying to drown the butterflies that were invading your stomach the closer you got to Charles and Kika.
Any confidence you felt had now disappeared, your stomach was churning as you stood next to Pierre refusing to make eye contact with Charles, you kept your gaze trained on your stiletto. You had no idea why he had this effect on you, but he made you feel like a teenager drunk on love.
“How’s work going?” Charles asked, stepping close to you as Pierre moved out of the way. His body was so close to yours and it was sending your heart rate through the roof.
“Urm, it’s okay I guess,” you nodded, pulling the beer bottle to your lips. You wanted nothing more than to be able to speak to him but it was like the words kept getting stuck in your throat. “I’m going for a smoke,” you mumbled, pushing your way past Charles.
The moment you stepped outside the chill of the winter air hit your skin, you felt like such an idiot, the boy was only making conversation and you couldn’t cope, running outside to escape. Pulling a cigarette to your lips you let your eyes flutter closed as you lit the smoke.
“You got a spare?”
The voice alone sent chills down your spine, you didn’t need to turn around to know who it was. Taking a long drag on the smoke you spun around on the balls of your feet, holding the open packet out in front of you. Charles smiled softly at you before taking one from the slightly crumpled box.
“Didn’t know you smoked?” you asked, rubbing your hand up your arm trying to get some warmth back into your skin, without warning suddenly you were wrapped in warmth as Charles draped his jacket over your shoulders. Neither of you said anything about the small gesture.
“I don’t smoke regularly, just every so often,” he nodded, letting the smoke hang from between his lips.
Silence fell over the two of you both, this was the first time the two of you had been alone in the same space. Turning your gaze you took in how content Charles looked, for the first time in months he actually looked relaxed. This year hadn’t been the best for him, you hated that over the course of this season you watched the sparkle in his eyes get duller each race.
“You look gorgeous in that dress by the way,” Charles said softly, gently nudging you with his elbow.
“You don’t look too bad yourself,” you said with a slight giggle.
“I have a question and you don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to,” he said, leaning against the brick wall, taking a quick drag of the smoke. “Everytime we are in the same room as each other, you always make some sort of excuse to leave, why? Have I done something to upset you?”
You knew you would have to confess at some point but you didn’t think it would be on the night before Christmas eve. Taking a deep breath you quickly lit up another cigarette taking a long drag on it before answering. “It’s stupid really,” you mumbled, trying not to let the nervousness take over. “You make me nervous, Charles.”
He stood there for a moment processing the words that had just fallen out of your mouth, a few seconds later the corners of his lips started tugging into a smirk as he pushed himself off the wall, closing the gap between the two of you.
“So that is why you have been avoiding me,” he whispered, brushing his fingers down your cheeks, you instantly felt your skin heat up from his touch. The feeling of his body pressed against yours just felt right and like it was meant to be. “Do you like me Y/N?”
The words got caught in your throat so all you could do was slowly nod your head whilst breaking eye contact with him. Charles was making you feel things you had never felt with anyone before,not even with your ex.
“Babygirl,” he breathed, placing his thumb under your chin, lifting your head up so he could see into your eyes. “For the last year I have done everything I could to gain your attention and nothing seemed to work, Y/N from the moment Pierre introduced us I felt a connection with you, but you were with that prick and I couldn’t do anything about it.”
You could hear the sadness in his voice and that caused a sharp pain in your chest. This boy had been watching from the sidelines, watching how you were treated like a piece of dirt and there was nothing he could do about it.
“Let me treat you how you should be treated,” he breathed, brushing his noses against yours, the feeling of his breath on your skin sent you into a frenzy. “I can tell you feel the connection as well.”
You couldn’t help yourself as you got lost in his green eyes, the way the moonlight was causing them to sparkle had to be one of the most beautiful sights you had ever seen.
Could you get involved with someone again? Your heart was fragile and you didn’t know if you had the strength to piece it back together when it got broken again.
“I swear, I’m not going to do anything to break your heart,” Charles whispered as if he was reading your mind. “So what do you say Y/N, wanna see where this goes?”
Taking a deep breath you finally listened to your heart, one that had been bandaged back together but in this moment it was only beating to the Monegasque that was standing in front of you.
“Only if we take things slow,” you whispered, hiding your hands in his jacket, quickly finding his phone. A small smile appeared on your face as you pulled the device from the pocket. Quickly you turned it around so the screen was facing Charles, meaning the phone unlocked, once you had access to it you punched your phone number into the keypad before hitting call. “Now you have my number,” you giggled, handing him his phone back.
“Best Christmas gift ever,” he winked, pressing a soft kiss to the side of your head before quickly taking a picture of the two of you.
You never would have thought that the one year you were finally able to attend your best friend’s Christmas party you would be getting up close and personal with the guy you had been crushing hard on.
There was magic in the air and it felt like for once Santa had finally granted your Christmas wish.
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@chibsytelford @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @stillbreathin @angywritesstuff @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @livo676 @buendiabebeta @ferrarifwendvale @hungryhungariann @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @queenslife @panicforspec @justme2042 @liv67 @derpinathebrave @clcspeonies @pleasantducktimetravel @raaaaabzzz @mehrmonga @sbgal @fangirl-lb @pitconfirmbutton @oslokij @tall-tanned-tattoo
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rocketpunch-updates · 2 months ago
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200215 Rocket Punch Yunkyoung at Fansigning Event in Mokdong © aviation do not edit, crop, or remove the watermark
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magic-shop-stories · 2 months ago
Girl I am still not over your Yoongs Dad Ff. I need Jimin as a dad to wreck me! Please!!! His daughter or son has constant nightmares and refuses to sleep alone. Jimin, being the ultimate softie, stays up all night inventing silly things to help with the nightmares, but when his child finally confesses why she/he is scared (a bully at school), Jimin shares his own childhood fears and teaches to stand up (love yourself etc.)
PS: Can you imagine his child is having an obsession with space?
💌 Reply:
WHERE DO YA'LL GET THOSE AMAZING IDEAS? I LOVE IT SO SO MUCH, (and I obviously didn't spent half the night looking up space stuff *cough).
I hope this is what you wanted ����💫 And Thank you, THANK YOU SO MUCH
A Constellation of Light
↳ Jimin x Child!Haneun (Parent/Child); Angst with Comfort, Fluff, Protective Dad
Rating: G (General Audience)
Genre: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Family, Slice of Life BTS AU, Parent, Angst with Feelings
Warning: mentions of bullying and childhood night terrors (no graphic descriptions)
Pairing: None (Parent-Child Relationship)
Featuring: Dad!Jimin, Haneun (Jimin’s child), themes of self-acceptance, overcoming fear
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Scene 1: The Nightmares
The house was quiet at 2:03 AM, save for the refrigerator’s rhythmic hum and the creak of floorboards groaning under the weight of Jimin’s restless pacing. He sat cross-legged on the living room rug now, fingers stained with fabric glue, surrounded by scraps of silver felt and a battalion of half-finished plush planets. Saturn’s rings lay lopsided on his lap, but his focus was on the smallest one—a tiny Pluto, its heart-shaped surface stitched with clumsy care. Small but mighty he thought, thumb brushing the dwarf planet’s embroidered craters. Just like someone I know.
Haneun’s whimpers still clawed at his ears. Earlier, they’d thrashed so violently that their glow-in-the-dark constellation blanket had pooled on the floor like a fallen galaxy. “Appa, don’t leave! The shadows—they’re gonna eat me again!” Their six-year-old voice had been raw, small fists tangled in his shirt as if he were the only gravity holding them to Earth. Jimin had rocked them until their sobs dissolved into hiccups, murmuring into their sweat-damp hair: "Shhh, Mochi-Star. Appa’s here. The shadows can’t reach you here.” But the guilt lingered like a bruise.
He’d missed the signs. The way Haneun had started tracing their cereal into star shapes at breakfast, whispering “black hole” under their breath. The crayon drawings left crumpled in their backpack—scribbled voids with jagged teeth, a stick-figure astronaut crying in the corner.
Jimin stabbed the needle into Pluto, his throat tight. What kind of father doesn’t notice their child is drowning in the dark?
Flashback: Two Weeks Earlier
The first nightmare had been a whisper.
Jimin had been editing choreography videos at the kitchen table, headphones on when a muffled thud pierced the quiet. He’d found Haneun on the floor beside their bed, knees scraped raw from colliding with the bedframe, their NASA rocket nightlight casting long shadows that made their wide eyes gleam like scared moons.
“Appa… there was a monster,” they’d hiccuped, fingers clutching the torn hem of their Apollo 11 pyjama top. Jimin’s stomach dropped at the tremble in their voice—a sound too fragile for a child who’d once declared they’d “punch a meteor” to protect their Bangtan uncles.
“Shh, let’s fix those knees first,” he’d said, carrying them to the bathroom. The antiseptic stung, and Haneun yelped, kicking their legs. “I know, baby, I know. Almost done.” He’d blown softly on the wound, the way his own mother had when he’d skinned his knees practising pirouettes.
“The monster… it had teeth like stage lights,” Haneun whispered, staring at their reflection in the medicine cabinet. “And it said… said I’d never fly away. That I’m too little.”
Jimin’s hands stilled. He’d knelt before them, cupping their tear-streaked face. “Listen to me,” he said, tapping their nose. “Know what Pluto told me once? 'Being small means you’re sneaky enough to slip past the scary stuff.’” He’d gestured to the Pluto plushie slumped on the sink—a gift for Haneun’s 5th birthday, its threadbare fabric proof of how often they dragged it to preschool. “And Mochi-Stars?” He’d pressed a kiss to their forehead. “They’re made of stardust. Monsters can’t eat stardust. It’s too sparkly.”
Haneun giggled, but their smile didn’t reach their eyes.
However, the nightmares metastasized.
Haneun began waking up screaming, “black holes!” shrieks shredding the night. Twice, they’d wet the bed, trembling as Jimin stripped the soiled sheets. “I’m s-sorry,” they’d sobbed, hiding their face in the Pluto plush. “The dark… it sucked me in.”
Jimin stopped sleeping. He’d camp outside their door, phone flashlight scanning for shadows, until Haneun started refusing to change out of their astronaut pyjamas. “If I take them off, the spaceship won’t find me,” they argued, knees pulled to their chest during a 3 AM standoff. Their hair stuck up in sleep-mussed tufts, eyes red-rimmed and defiant.
“Baby, you’ll get a rash,” Jimin pleaded, holding out fresh clothes.
“NO!” Haneun kicked the laundry basket, sending socks flying. “The monsters win if I sleep! They said—they said—” Their voice cracked. “They said even Daddy can’t save me!”
Jimin’s breath caught. He’d gathered them up, ignoring the flailing limbs, and carried them to the living room. They’d watched the sunrise together, Haneun’s tears drying salt stains on his shirt, while he silently vowed to build them a fortress of light.
Scene 2: A Fight Against Shadows
By the fifth night, Jimin declared war—not with anger, but with glitter.
He’d spent hours hunched over his laptop, researching constellations until his vision blurred. Orion the Hunter—a warrior. Ursa Major—a guide. Cygnus the Swan—a symbol of transformation. He’d chosen them deliberately, arranging the glow-in-the-dark stars into a celestial army above Haneun’s bed. But it was the addition of Canis Minor, the “Little Dog,” that made his throat tighten. He’d painted its faintest star, Procyon, gold. Loyalty, he thought. A protector for my cub.
“Ready, Mochi-Star?” Jimin hoisted six-year-old Haneun onto his shoulders, their astronaut-patterned socks digging into his collarbone. They gasped as he flicked off the lights, revealing the constellations blazing above them.
“Whoa… It’s like we’re inside the spaceship!” Haneun whispered, their small finger tracing Orion’s belt. The stickers shimmered like distant suns, casting soft cerulean patterns on their Pluto nightlight.
“These stars are your shield,” Jimin said, bouncing them gently. “See Orion’s bow? He’s already shooting the monsters. And Cygnus—” He pointed to the swan’s wingspan. “She’ll carry you out of bad dreams.”
Haneun’s grip tightened on his hair. “But… what if the stars are scared too?”
Jimin’s chest ached. He lowered them to the floor, kneeling so their eyes met. “Even stars get scared. Know what they do?” He reached into the pocket of his hoodie, pulling out a chipped spray bottle filled with water, lavender oil, and silver glitter. The lavender was from his mother’s garden in Busan— her remedy for his childhood night terrors. He’d added the glitter himself.
“They shine,” he said, pressing the bottle into Haneun’s hands. The label read GALAXY GUARDIAN REPELLENT in his messy Hangul. “And sometimes… they fight back.”
Haneun’s eyes widened as Jimin aimed the spray at the closet door. “Behold, evil space sludge!” he barked in his best superhero voice, dousing the shadows. “Psh! Taste the sparkles, losers!”
Glitter rained down, catching the starlight. Haneun’s laughter bubbled up, bright and clear—a sound Jimin hadn’t heard in weeks. They scrambled to their feet, spraying wildly. “Die, monster! Pshh-pah-pow!”
But bedtime unraveled the magic.
Haneun froze at the door, their NASA blanket clutched to their chest. The new Jellycat Sun plushie—softer than a cloud, bought after hours of frantic online searching—lay abandoned on the floor.
“Appa… stay,” they pleaded, lower lip wobbling. “The stars… they’re too far away.”
Jimin’s resolve crumbled. He’d sworn he’d teach them to sleep alone again, but the raw fear in their voice undid him. “Shove over, satellite,” he whispered, squeezing into the narrow bed. Haneun immediately burrowed into his side, their cold toes pressing against his ribs.
He hummed Mikrokosmos, voice rasping as he traced the lyrics onto their back. Haneun’s breathing slowed, but Jimin kept singing long after they drifted off, his fingers tangled in their hair.
Scene 3: The Breaking Point
It unraveled on a Tuesday—the kind of afternoon where the sky hung low and gray, threatening rain but never shedding tears. Jimin arrived at the school gates, humming Moonchild under his breath, only to freeze at the sight of Haneun.
They sat alone on the playground’s rocket-shaped slide, knees drawn to their chest, their favorite NASA backpack slumped beside them like a deflated spacesuit. The backpack’s fabric was torn at the strap, its embroidered Pluto patch hanging by a thread. Jimin’s stomach dropped. Haneun had sewn that patch themselves after their first planetarium trip, declaring Pluto “the bravest planet because it dances alone.”
“Hey, Mochi-Star,” Jimin called softly, crouching in front of them. Haneun’s astronaut pyjamas peeked out beneath their jeans—they’d worn them to school again—and their hands clutched something small and fuzzy. The Pluto plushie, Jimin realized. Its left ear was nearly torn off.
“Appa…” Haneun’s voice was a cracked whisper. They thrust a crumpled drawing into his hands: a stick-figure child floating in space, surrounded by scribbled black holes. Scrawled in red crayon across the top were the words “TOO SMALL TO FLY.”
Jimin’s pulse roared. He could smell the sharp tang of antiseptic from Haneun’s scraped knees, and see the faint tremor in their shoulders. “Who did this?” he asked, careful to keep his voice steady.
Haneun’s face crumpled. “J-Junseo,” they hiccuped, burying their face in the plushie. “H-he said… said astronauts aren’t real heroes. That Appa’s just a dancer who… who jumps around like a girl.”
The words struck like a live wire. Suddenly, Jimin was 15 again, pinned against a dance studio mirror as his classmates mocked his “soft” hips and “baby face.” “Pabo,” they’d sneered when he stumbled. “You’ll never make it.” He’d locked himself in a bathroom stall that night, chewing his sleeve to muffle sobs that shook his entire body.
Not my baby. Not this pain.
Jimin gathered Haneun into his arms, their tears seeping through his shirt. He rocked them slowly, counting the rhythm in his head—1, 2, 3, 4, the way he’d counted beats to survive panic attacks before and long after debut. “Listen to me,” he murmured, tilting their chin up. “When I was younger, people said my body was… wrong for dancing. Too small. Too… gentle.”
Haneun blinked, eyes glistening. “But you’re famous now.”
“Because I kept dancing.” He pressed their palm to his chest, letting them feel his heartbeat. “Know what else is small? Pluto. And yet—” He pointed to the planet’s embroidered heart on their backpack. “It’s got its moons. It's very own orbit. Just like you.”
Haneun sniffled, fiddling with the plushie’s torn ear. “But Junseo said… said believing in space is stupid.”
Jimin’s jaw tightened. He reached into his pocket, pulling out the Galaxy Guardian spray—now a permanent fixture on his keychain. “Spray him.”
Haneun gasped. “Appa! I can’t—”
“Not at him. For you.” He uncapped the bottle, spritzing a glittering arc above their heads. “Monsters hate sparkles. So do bullies.”
A tiny giggle escaped Haneun. Jimin seized the moment, sliding off his silver bracelet—a gift engraved with SHINE in constellations. He clasped it around their wrist. “This is made of meteorite. Forged in fire, just like my Mochi-Star.”
Scene 4: The Constellation of Courage
The next morning, Jimin transformed the hallway mirror into a battlefield.
“Okay, Mochi-Star,” he said, kneeling behind Haneun as they glared at their reflection. The repaired Pluto patch on their backpack gleamed with gold thread, and Jimin’s meteorite bracelet hung loose on their tiny wrist. “Show me your satellite stance.”
Haneun squared their shoulders, fists raised like the cartoon astronauts on their socks. “So what if I’m small?!” they shouted, voice bouncing off the walls. “Satellites are small too, and they… they orbit planets!”
Jimin whooped, spinning them around. “Louder! Make the black holes tremble!”
“THEY ORBIT PLANETS!” Haneun screamed, dissolving into giggles as Jimin tossed them onto the couch. He’d spent hours curating a playlist of Bangtan blooper reels of Jungkook slipping on confetti, Yoongi faceplanting during a mic check, and himself tripping mid-air during Butterfly rehearsals.
“See this?” Jimin paused the video, pointing to his 19-year-old self sprawled on the practice room floor. “I cried for an hour after this. Thought I’d never dance again.”
Haneun leaned closer, their nose nearly touching the screen. “But… you got up.”
“We always get up.” He tapped their bracelet, the engraved SHINE catching the light.
That night, the nightmare came again—but this time, Haneun was ready.
The dream began as it always did: suffocating darkness, the air thick and cold like the vacuum of space. Shadowy tendrils slithered from the corners, forming a grinning mouth with jagged, neon teeth—Junseo’s voice echoed from its throat. “Stupid little satellite. Who’d waste fuel to rescue you?”
Haneun froze in their dream, their NASA pyjamas glowing faintly as the black hole yawned wider. But then—a warmth pulsed at their wrist. The meteorite bracelet burned like a tiny sun, illuminating the Galaxy Repellent clutched in their hand.
“NO!” Haneun screamed, spraying glitter straight into the void. “MY APPAS’S A HERO! AND I—I’M A PLUTO GUARDIAN!”
The shadows recoiled, hissing as lavender and glitter fused into stardust. The nightmare splintered, reforming into a new scene: Haneun stood atop Pluto’s heart-shaped glacier, surrounded by Jimin’s glow-in-the-dark constellations. Orion’s arrow pierced the darkness, Cygnus’ wings fanned out behind them, and Procyon—the loyal “Little Dog” star—barked triumphantly at their feet.
“You’re… beautiful,” the black hole stammered, its voice shrinking into a squeak.
Haneun grinned, dousing it one last time. “*And you’re extinct.”
Jimin later woke to the sound of laughter.
He’d fallen asleep in the hallway—again—his back against Haneun’s door. But the giggles weren’t from a nightmare. Peeking inside, he found Haneun sprawled on their galaxy-print rug, crayoning furiously.
“Look, Appa!” They waved a paper titled PLUTO’S BRAVEST SATELLITE—a detailed self-portrait in a spacesuit, surrounded by glitter-glue stars. The shadow monsters were now tiny, comical blobs fleeing from a spray bottle.
Jimin’s eyes stung. “Is that… me?” He pointed to a stick figure in dance gear, mid-air beside Cygnus.
“Yep! That’s Appa doing a moonwalk on the swan!” Haneun declared as if this were an astrophysical fact.
He pulled them into a hug, breathing in the lavender-glitter scent clinging to their hair. They’d used the spray without him.
Scene 5: Planetarium Promises
The planetarium hummed like the inside of a starship, its domed ceiling swirling with supernovas and nebulas in hues of violet and gold. Jimin leaned back in his seat, the leather creaking softly, as Haneun’s sneakers kicked excitedly against the footrest. They’d insisted on wearing their astronaut pyjamas beneath a jacket studded with glow-in-the-dark stars—“for cosmic camouflage!”—and the scent of lavender still clung to their collar from a pre-trip spritz of Galaxy Repellent.
“Appa, look!” Haneun whispered, loud enough that the elderly couple two rows ahead turned to smile. They pointed to a cluster of stars morphing into the Canis Minor constellation. “That’s us! See? Procyon’s the brightest—that’s you!”
Jimin’s throat tightened. The projector’s light caught the meteorite bracelet on Haneun’s wrist, its engraved SHINE glinting like a tiny supernova. “And that little star next to it?” He tapped their nose, now dusted with freckles from weeks of defiantly playing outdoors. “That’s my Mochi-Star. Bravest satellite in the galaxy.”
Haneun giggled, snuggling into his side. Their warmth was familiar, a contrast to the planetarium’s cool air. For a moment, Jimin was back in their home, rocking a sobbing child under glow-in-the-dark stars. Now, those stars adorned Haneun’s jacket, sewn on with lopsided stitches they’d insisted on doing themselves.
The narrator’s voice boomed overhead, describing Pluto’s heart-shaped plains. Haneun sat bolt upright. “Appa, they’re talking about my planet!” They dug into their backpack, pulling out a crumpled drawing—Pluto’s Bravest Satellite, now laminated and dotted with glitter. “See? I told the teacher Pluto’s not sad it’s small. It’s… it’s special.”
Jimin’s eyes burned. He’d spent years crafting lyrics about love and pain, but nothing compared to the poetry of his child’s resilience. “Just like you,” he murmured, tucking the drawing back into their bag. His fingers brushed the repaired strap of their NASA backpack, the gold-threaded Pluto patch gleaming. Scars make the stars brighter, he’d told them during the repair. Now, Haneun wore those words like armour.
As the show ended, Haneun yawned, their head drooping onto his shoulder. Outside, dusk had painted the sky in cotton-candy pink. Jimin carried them to the car, their breath soft against his neck.
“Appa?” Haneun mumbled, half-asleep.
“Yeah, baby?”
“…Thanks for being my shield.”
The words unravelled him. He remembered nights spent Googling childhood night terrors, frantic calls to child therapists, and the way Haneun’s screams had carved grooves into his heart. Now, those grooves bloomed with galaxies.
“Always,” he whispered, buckling them into the car seat. Their eyelids fluttered, the glow-in-the-dark stars on their sleeve faintly luminous in the dark.
On the way Jimim thought - you don’t need me to be your shield anymore - watching Haneun’s chest rise and fall in sleep. You’ve built your constellations. His phone buzzed—a reminder for tomorrow’s parent-teacher conference. He smiled. Junseo’s mom had finally agreed to a mediation session, and Haneun had requested to bring the Galaxy Repellent. “For diplomatic reasons,” they’d said, mimicking a phrase Yoongi taught them.
As he drove home, the radio played Mikrokosmos on low. Haneun stirred, their voice drowsy with dreams of stardust. “Appa… next time, let’s go to real space.”
Jimin glanced at the rearview mirror, catching their reflection bathed in passing streetlights. “Deal. But only if you teach me how to moonwalk on Cygnus.”
Haneun’s laughter filled the car, bright and boundless, a sound no shadow could ever swallow.
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wanderersrest · 10 months ago
An Abbreviated History of Mecha Part 2: AWAKEN! SUPER ROBOT!!! (1970-1979)
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(Read in the voice of Tessho Genda) ITS NAME IS.... MAZINGER.... Z!!!!!!!!!
Welcome back to An Abbreviated History of Mecha. Last time, we covered the origins of mecha by highlighting some of the major works of the time including Godzilla and Ultraman, which are not really mecha but are just as influential to the genre as the other shows mentioned.
Today, we will be moving on to the 70's. Here we will see three extremely iconic entries to the canon make their grand entrances, known to Super Robot Wars fans as the Holy Trinity. We'll also see a lot of the classic mecha tropes become codified with a lot of these entries. So, let's MAZIIIN GO!
Kamen Rider (1971)
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Kamen Rider is the second iconic series created by mangaka Shotaro Ishinomori and would be part of the reason why henshin heroes (that is, heroes who transform) would become so popular. More importantly, Kamen Rider would give us one of the most homaged attacks of all time: the Rider Kick! And in case you're wondering, yes, Ishinomori still has one more series worth mentioning.
Kamen Rider, alongside Godzilla and Ultraman, got a 2023 retelling in the form of Shin Kamen Rider, courtesy of Hideaki Anno.
Mazinger Z (1973)
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Mazinger Z is one of the many iconic series created by legendary mangaka Go Nagai. If Tetsujin 28 was the original "super robot", Mazinger Z would be the series that would introduce a lot of the tropes now commonly associated with a lot of giant robot anime, including but not limited to:
A robot that has to be piloted from the inside
A chest blaster
Laser eyes
Hot-blooded pilots
The term "super robot"
And most important of all, the rocket punch
Let's just say that there's a good reason why Mazinger Z (and this is just Mazinger Z) is the first of the three pillars of the Holy Trinity. Mazinger also has, in terms of sequels and adaptations:
Great Mazinger
UFO Robot Grendizer
Shin Mazinger Z/Mazinger Edition Z: The Impact
Mazinger Z Infinity
Getter Robo (1974)
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Created by Ken Ishikawa with help from Go Nagai, Getter Robo would be the second pillar of the Holy Trinity alongside Mazinger Z. Getter Robo would be important for introducing concepts such as a robot piloted by multiple people and, more importantly, Getter Robo would also introduce us to the combining robot, which is why it requires multiple pilots to man.
Getter Robo would get multiple sequels and spinoffs including, but not limited to:
Getter Robo G
Getter Robo Go
Shin Getter Robo Armageddon!
Shin Getter Robo vs Getter Robo Go
New Getter Robo (not to be confused with Shin Getter Robo)
Getter Robo Devolution
Eventually Ken Ishikawa would pass away before he could wrap up the series with Getter Robo Arc. I will come back to Getter Robo at some point in this series though, but to give you a hint: the series does get a conclusion.
I think I'd also be mistaken not to link to Cheese GX's excellent video retrospective on Getter Robo.
Super Sentai (1975)
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Because Shotaro Ishinomori wasn't content with creating two iconic series, he went ahead and made a third: Super Sentai. That's right: Ishinomori created the two most iconic versions of the henshin hero. Super Sentai is worth mentioning here due to the fact that the series would eventually start adding giant robots into the mix. This series would also eventually attract the attention of one Haim Saban, but that's a story for another day.
Microman/Microbots (1974)
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Microman (the toy, not the wrestler) was a line of, and I'm not joking when I say this, "Tiny Little Guys" released in 1975 by the toy company Takara. I'm not super familiar with Microman, but I feel it is important to mention Microman here to understand that one of the biggest names in mecha is descended from this line of toys, as it would start out as a spinoff of microman. Something about transforming vehicles the micromen could pilot. Who could know?
Also fun fact, there's a wrestler named Microman.
Brave Raideen (1975)
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(We'll have to settle with this clip from Super Robot Wars)
Brave Raideen is a series created by Studio Sunrise and is one of the first giant robots that is considered to be supernatural in origin. Raideen is important in the history of mecha as it is where two important figures would come into play: Yoshiyuki Tomino and Tadao Nagahama. While it is largely overshadowed by other bigger series, Raideen is still important due to it being the first stepping stone for those two directors alone.
Space Battleship Yamato/Star Blazers (1975)
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Up next is Leiji Matsumoto's legendary Space Battleship Yamato. This series would be one of those watershed moments in anime history as Yamato would prove that there was, in fact, an audience who wanted more serious war stories. To say that this series isn't that influential would be a mistake, as we will soon see.
Space Battleship Yamato would eventually receive multiple adaptations, including a live-action film and an anime reboot in the new millennium. The success of Yamato would also help pave the way for other Leiji Matsumoto works like Space Pirate Captain Harlock and the Galaxy Railway 999.
The Robot Romance Trilogy (1976-1979)
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(Pictured above: Voltes V)
The Robot Romance Trilogy is a thematic trilogy created by Toei and directed by Tadao Nagahama. These series would include:
Super Electromagnetic Robot Combattler V (V as in the letter)
Super Electromagnetic Robot Voltes V (V as in the number)
Fighting General Daimos
The Robot Romance Trilogy is known for building off of the innovations of its peers. Whereas Getter Robo combined by smashing three jets together (and thus was hard to translate into a toy), Combattler V was designed in a way where the parts of the robots actually made sense when combining to form the robot. This also doesn't even touch on the fact this trilogy would also help to popularize things like the five man band (alongside Super Sentai), mecha shows having more serious storylines with melodrama, and funnily enough, the motion capture mecha (specifically Daimos).
Voltes V is also extremely popular in the Philippines. While this isn't unheard of at this time, Voltes V was different in that it was banned from airing on television by the Marcos regime. Speculation behind its ban may be that its themes were similar to the plight of the Filipino people under Marcos, so you could say that Voltes V in particular is a symbol of rebellion in the Philippines. Heck, it was so popular that there now exists a live action Voltes V series filmed in the Philippines.
Zambot 3 & Daitarn 3 (1977 & 1978)
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(Pictured above: Zambot 3)
Meanwhile, Yoshiyuki Tomino would continue to push boundaries as he got more into the groove of directing. On top of producing Voltes V (according to Wikipedia), Tomino would work on a few more series before the end of this decade. The first two would help to establish a pattern with Tomino's works, where he would follow up a more serious and depressing series with something more lighthearted and silly. Zambot 3 would help Tomino earn his nickname "Kill 'Em All Tomino," while Daitarn 3 would also show that he knew how to relax when working on a series. Both Zambot 3 and Daitarn 3 were big hits, but the next series would forever cement Tomino as a legendary figure in the world of anime and manga.
Mobile Suit Gundam (1979)
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Mobile Suit Gundam, the final pillar of the Holy Trinity, is arguably Yoshiyuki Tomino and Sunrise's single most important series date. Arguably the single most famous mecha of all time, Gundam would be the first giant robot to be treated less as a hero and more as a tool of war, and it would be Gundam who would kick off a new generation of mecha stories that focused more on things like war and how it affects the lives of the characters in these stories. Which is funny, because Gundam was initially a flop at first. Over time, the series would eventually become a hit thanks to its compilation movies as well as the sale of its models and, most important of all, its female fans.
Mobile Suit Gundam would also be a watershed moment in animation history, as it would be the introduction to a lot of people who would also become famous thanks in part to this series. This includes people who worked on the show like Yasuhiko Yoshikazu (the character designer), Kunio Okawara (mechanical designer, and arguably the first credited mechanical designer), and Ichiro Itano (animator, the same man who Itano Circus is named after). Gundam would also be a direct inspiration for one Ryousuke Takahashi, who would begin to really push the boundary for what one could do with military mecha shows.
I hope this was an enjoyable read. Next time, we'll be getting into the 80's, where we will begin to see a lot of series pop up as Japan's economy grows at an exponential rate. We'll also see how these giant machines will come to influence people outside of Japan on top of how they build off of the themes present in the first Gundam.
Will you survive?
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quibbs126 · 4 months ago
Okay the Earthspark megop Terran kid has wormed his way back into my brain once more, at least today. He may be gone yet again by tomorrow
Not much has changed other than I really don’t know what to make his alt mode, and I still don’t have a name for him
Could someone help me on this maybe please? I don’t really know who to ask outside of tumblr itself
Well I mean, I guess my real life friend, but I don’t know when I’ll be meeting her next, so the question still stands
But I do have at least a couple more details in my brain for him now. Like for example, I’m like 99% sure he’s gonna stay a boy
One, I think I’ve solidified that he’s at least slightly bigger than Megatron and Optimus, if not a little more than that (I know the Terrans are supposed to be smaller than the Cybertronians, but let me have this. Say it’s because either the fact that both of them touched it or because they’re big and have things like the Matrix it makes the Terran bigger than usual. Or because they’re huge Cybertronians)
So with that in mind, I imagine he needs a pretty big alt mode. Granted, I don’t know how big, since this series doesn’t entirely adhere to robot sizes matching the vehicle mode. Like Megatron’s a big aircraft while Optimus is a semi truck, which is also big for a car but I don’t think is nearly the same size, and yet the two are relatively the same height in robot form. But regardless, a big alt mode would probably be best
Also I do want it to be a vehicle (in part bc I don’t know what to do otherwise though)
Another thing, more specific, is I’m imagining him with big gauntlets on his arms, sort of like Vi from League of Legends (she was kind of the inspiration for this idea). They’re part of his body, not removable armor, though he might be able to detach them like rocket arms in a fight. He can probably also shoot lasers out of them too. So his arms should probably be something significant in his alt mode, or his alt mode gives him a reason why his arms would be like that in some way
Actually, I think that’s all the new details I have, at least in so much that they help this quest for an alt mode for this character
I guess I could give personality things as well? But I don’t have much fleshed out, in part because I feel like I keep ending up recreating Jawbreaker or someone too similar. Best I have so far is that he’s energetic and optimistic, but he also does not know his own strength, and he is very powerful, so he ends up doing damage when he doesn’t mean to. It’s something Megatron and Optimus are trying to work with him on. Though this all might still change anyways because I still don’t know if it works. It still might be too similar to another character
Edit: oh wait, other small things because they might be useful too. So I’m keeping this idea he has an odd fixiation with the earth/underground. Mostly because something in my head finds this “he yearns for the mines” concept to be funny and it will not let it go. Anyways, so he likes punching rocks and cliffs and such, maybe because they’re things that don’t instantly crumble under his punch. He may end up creating intricate tunnel systems because he likes punching the earth. And/or he’s got a slight weird sixth sense for things underground and the places he punches might end up leading to somewhere useful. But maybe not always, sometimes it is just punching a random cliff side. I don’t know, it’s a bit odd and random, but I do want to keep in some way this underground/earth related element to his character. Though maybe that’s too limiting in his design choices
I still need to find a name too. I should probably try to at least make that myself. But like another thing with the Terrans is that their names seem to be more Earth things (though that’s not entirely untrue of Cybertronians either), and I don’t know what to do with that angle. I keep making more robot sounding ones, or ones I’m pretty sure another character already has
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tenaciouschronicler · 7 months ago
September 12 2024 2009
Finally high time we perform alchemy in this house. And to do that we need dowels.
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The captchalouge card dowel looks unchanged but it has been slightly shaved smaller. The shaving cream does not populate a knowable item right off the bat, most likely because the code isnt valid. Not saying you cant make whatever it is, its just not something SBURB planned on creating. Each item also comes with a different grist cost so far consisting of only shale and build grist. The more complex an item the more it costs. The hammer is 2 build grist while the pogo ride is 5 build grist and 1 shale. This means theres potential to make some very expensive items, a car for example.
First order of business is getting John more cards for his sylladex. Surprisingly these items, like the generic cube, form actual physical objects. No more cool glowing trees. Next order of business, test out all the cards.
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That mystery card? Very nearly makes a functional rocket pack. Who owns a rocket pack and what do we have to change to get John his own. He would be such a menace with the ability to fly I just know it. Using the power of sweet catches and learned knowledge John no longer has to suffer the sylladex of dumbasses, at least.
In any case, reading Wise Guy gave John a revelation. Combine two punched cards in the lathe.
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And for 10 build 16 shale...
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You got the POGO HAMMER.
Our minds have been opened to the possibilities.
Fun facts about punched cards, the first punched cards were actually used with looms to create weave patterns. This was expanded upon and used on Harmoniums to create music, those cool self playing pianos.. It wasnt until the early 20th century that they were used for inputing data and computer programs on early computers. Imagine a stack maybe four or five inches thick for a single computer program.*
Im still trying to breakdown the captcha codes to punch card science. Best I can tell for now is that the captcha itself uses a hexidecimal variant (perhaps base64?) but translating that to a punch card system of 4 columns 12 rows is nebulous at best, at least if you follow diagrams of actual punch cards.
*edit: how did i manage to forget the rest of this sentence smh
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yayakaiut · 2 years ago
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Yeonhee - Rocket Punch - Chiquita
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someawesomeamvs · 1 year ago
Warning: Slight spoilers, flashing lights
Title: Moon Prism
Editor: 소쥬한잔
Song: Moon Prism
Artist: Rocket Punch
Anime: Sailor Moon
Category: Freestyle
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